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November 13-16
Gaylord Palms, Orlando

Each year the Used Truck Association and its industry partners gather to network, learn, showcase, and celebrate. The Annual Convention is the largest gathering of used truck professionals in North America and this year we return to sunny Orlando!

We have an exciting program you won’t want to miss! With Florida's amazing weather and so much to do, we are sure this year will be better than ever!

If you need to renew your UTA membership or join for member pricing, please allow 24 hours for the system to update before registering.

Registration MUST be paid with credit card at the time of registration. There is no ‘bill-me’ option.

For detailed registration instructions download this PDF.

Come for the Convention…Stay for the FUN

Please note that Spouse registration is not for co-workers, but for people NOT in the used truck industry.

Special Thanks To Our
Presenting Sponsors

Click on logos to read more about our generous sponsors.

Norton Transport
Penske Used Trucks
Truck Paper


Be sure to check out the sponsor page to read more about our generous sponsors. Without their support we would not have this great annual convention.

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Don’t just attend—support the convention with a sponsorship!

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